

Applying entertainment commercial models to monetise and scale environmental and social impact

ABOUT US: Statement of Purpose

The urgency of the climate crisis has not been recognised by most of the general public, and when it is recognised, people don’t know what they can do. We need to harness mass action to solve this crisis but the public either lack knowledge or feel powerless.


This is the fault of all of us in the environmental community. We use jargon, talking about ‘biodiversity’ or ‘Net Zero” instead of ‘plants and animals’. We strive for purity rather than pragmatism, we are elitist and exclusionary.


This has to change. We have to stop talking to ourselves. We have to work with others. We need to allow shades of green, and most importantly we need to engage with everyone.


Therefore, we propose to make Water and the Environment part of mainstream pop culture. Using the long-established commercial models from the sports and entertainment industries.


We aim to develop environmental content with high production values across a range of media channels and also package and promote academic and environmental expert speakers for corporate functions, festivals and existing sports, music and arts events.


We aim. to commoditise environmental messaging into saleable products and projects, which can be distributed via mass media channels to a global audience. This will raise awareness and generate revenue for environmental bodies, academia and growth-stage start-ups with proven impact solutions.

We invite you to join us!








We embed high quality environmental content in traditional entertainment platforms

We help environmental experts and impact entrepreneurs monetise and scale the intellectual property in their proven solutions - just like an artist's music

We bring vital data-based environmental content to mainstream audiences through event organisers, entertainment buyers, producers and publishers and we package proven tech solutions in engineering projects

To catalyse adoption of proven solutions for mitigation and adaptation of the global climate and water crises

We work with organisers and buyers for festivals, private parties, corporate and board events, film and television producers and innovative tech companies with proven solutions




We apply entertainment commercial models to monetise and scale environmental and social impact

  • We package projects and the Dream team: Just like a television series -- only for water infrastructure projects - either those we originate in-house - or for a client or a Request for Proposal

  • We book our Roster of environmental experts as Speakers - for corporate events, private parties, festivals and special events

  • We work with producers, writers and publishers - for our Roster Experts to create content or consult on a script or to publish our Experts' environmental message - meaning we help them take their knowledge outside of the environment sector to mainstream audiences

  • We develop commercial relationships and opportunities for our Roster Experts to create and monetise new intellectual property - like developing curriculum for university programmes or establishing sponsorships



Our speakers

Stuart Orr

Global water expert

Jacob Tompkins OBE

Civil Engineer/Hydrologist

Corina Shika Kwami, PhD

Civil Engineer/Jazz Perfformer



Why choose

6-4-3 Speakers?

Do we REALLY believe...

The climate and water crises are URGENT?

Then our IMMEDIATE ACTION is IMPERATIVE to counter these challenges.

If 'yes'... then Environmental Experts are the new Rockstars!

Companies need - we all need - their insights and expertise to understand how to take action to create the Future we say we want.

Our Speakers are Truth-tellers

STUDENTS - EMPLOYEES - CONSUMERS - INVESTORS - COMMUNITIES expect genuinely sustainable products. That happens with facts - not 'green-washing' or 'green wishing'.




Stuart Orr, MSc Environment and Development

Lead of Freshwater Practice for WWF International

Board Advisor to 6-4-3 Impact Ventures Limited

Stuart Orr is a renowned expert in the global water sector, from building a corporate water stewardship agenda to assessing water risks in investment decision-making to basin-level impact and collective action. He is an advisor on water risks to some of the world’s largest multinational companies and is currently a Trustee of Hodmedod’s British Pulses, Grains and Seeds and a Member of the International Advisory Board for Deltares in The Netherlands. Orr is also Advisor to the Nestlé Creating Shared Value Council, Anheuser-Busch InBev and the Pegasys Institute in Cape Town, South Africa. He has held positions on the CDP Water Advisory Council and the Water Sector Global Agenda Council for the World Economic Forum. He also works extensively with finance, communities and the public sector.

Orr's background is in agriculture and water. He is a specialist at the intersection of water, climate and food security, particularly in reconciling climate strategies, such as Net Zero with corporate water strategy. He holds a BSc and MSc in Environment and Development from East Anglia University.




Prof. Jacob Tompkins, OBE. Civil engineer, Hydrologist

Co-founder and CTO of The Water Retail Company, London

In addition to his work with The Water Retail Company, Tompkins is a consultant hydrologist and water strategist to a number of companies, investor groups, international organisations and Governments. He is trained as a civil engineer with a degree from University College London and a MEng degree in Hydrology and Environmental Management from Imperial College London.

Tompkins has worked as an academic, was water lead for the UK National Farmers' Union, was freshwater advisor at Water UK and is an Associate at WWF UK. He set up and ran the successful water efficiency NGO, Waterwise and has developed EU water legislation and chaired a UK Government task force on resilience in the water sector.

Tompkins has run numerous water efficiency, water neutrality and climate trading projects. He was made an honorary Professor at Exeter University and received a Queen’s Honour as OBE in 2015 for service in water efficiency. Tompkins’ special area of interest is as Founder of the European Water Tech Accelerator to help develop and scale new water tech innovations.




Corina Shika Kwami, PhD. Civil Engineer, infrastructure governance. Jazz performer.

Director of Strategy, Purpose

"Dr Corina Shika Kwami" is a polymath. With a background in engineering, jazz and global development, she is a recognised international thought leader on the arts in innovation, future cities and sustainability as well as a sought after jazz musician. She holds a doctorate from University College London Department of Civil Engineering in Infrastructure Governance and is Director of Strategy at Purpose, a global ethical blue ribbon (B Corp) creative agency helping clients’ advance the fight against globally critical issues, including climate change and global poverty.

Kwami's work cuts across the arts and sciences and music in order to facilitate exchanges between these worlds. She was appointed to the Mayor of London's Infrastructure Advisory Board and was policy advisor to the Royal College of Engineering where she chaired the Climate Action panel and directed ESG initiatives. You can see her on a screen on the Discovery Channel, Smithsonian Channel and Science Channel talking about the lessons learned from infrastructure in cities across the globe. Uniquely, Dr Kwami is also an accomplished jazz performer and active session musician and plays jazz festivals across Scandinavia and Europe..



Consider these crucial issues:

Boring? Or vital information for your audience? Your Board?

  • Reconciling your climate strategy - 'Net Zero'. 'Regen Ag', 'Biodiversity' - with your water strategy
  • Lurking water risks in your investment portfolio? In your pension investments?
  • Ensuring your employer is actually operating sustainably



Contact Us

6-4-3 Impact Ventures Limited

Company number 14896217

Tel. +44 20 7193 4946‬

Email: hello@6-4-3ImpactVentures.com

Social: @6-4-3ImpactVentures

Applying entertainment commercial models to monetise and scale environmental and social impact